
Mood Essay

Am just out of time, actually been washed up a few snowflakes, suddenly feeling very warm, and itching, gently raised his head, looked at the little silver mouth smile lot of attention, in fact, I am especially afraid of the cold , afraid of the winter, but I like snow weather, as if every one snowflake is one of my dreams, when you spread palm, that snow will quietly Qinru your vein, that dream will With your root, sprout, until sunny.
These days very comfortable, quiet and Congrong, no surging waves, more regular flow of water is fine warmth.
There are too many details worthy of careful warm aftertaste; there are so sweet words often echoed in the side; there are too many pleasant moments enough for me to move. Of course there are many people who care about me in blessing me. Therefore, happiness is inevitable, hehe!
I clearly remember that afternoon, we sat on the floor, I looked to the heavens, clouds away from me, so close, I looked at it a little bit of movement in front of me, change, until drifting across, there is then a moment, I would like to stop up to grab it, let it stay for me. But I did not, cloud is no direction, drifting where the wind's decision, so we will see so beautiful rub shoulders.
I know that I love the sky was clear conditions and customs, is the warmth of spring is autumn makeup, is the winter sun.
I know I am willing to do the flowers blooming, someone will gently care of me, but I also know that if my heart has a flower, then I would do under the flower of muddy, moist with its roots, watched the course of its blooming, it is a pleasure, a kind of contentment.
I know that I want to do is the most true to yourself, magnanimous clear, ease, and occasionally cooking wine Heroes coming months, this day is really floating up!
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